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“Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded.” James 4:7 & 8

There was a time in our house; we noticed that anytime we pumped water into our water reservoir for house use, within 2days it becomes empty. Meanwhile it normally take a month before filling the tank again, we were unable to trace the cause and it continued like that until it became unbearable when the water began to finish in every 2hours.

We had to call a plumber to intervene and when he came we were able to trace the leaking pipe and at that time, the pipe had broken so badly that we had to change the entire pipe that linked the building and it cost so much. However, had it been we had involved the plumber in time; it wouldn’t have gotten worse to that extent.

The reservoir represents our life. The bole-hole (water source) represents God. The Pipe represents our connection with God.

Once our connection with God is broken, then we tend to become empty so quickly until we identify the sin that broke the pipe of our life. At times the pipe can be broken beyond its ability to fill the tank and God is angry because we are wasting the outflow of his anointing and grace upon our lives.

It might cost you fasting and serious prayers with vigils and sacrifices at times to get your pipe fixed. Pay the price and get connected. Identify the sin, weaknesses and deal with it on your kneel so as to get your pipe fixed.

...ABU E.O
