“For many are called, but few are chosen” Matthew 22:14
The grace of God upon the selected few, rendered the ability of “MANY” debilitated.
However, the “called” has a role to play in fulfilling the purpose of God on earth, but the “chosen” were distinctively selected because of a developed virtue in their life; developed virtue either by self or by the Holy Spirit. That is why we have trained men of God and born men of God.
These men of God has secret tears that their members cannot wipe and it is so sad, that they cannot share the reason for the tears sometimes. Eli’s secret tears were his disobedient children which led to Ichabod “Departed Glory”. Moses secret tears were the hardened heart of the children of Israelites. Jeremiah’s secret tears was the sin of the people. The secret tears of Elijah was the fear of Jezebel who had killed the prophets before him. The secret tears of the disciples of Jesus was their persecution. The secret tears of Jesus is the sin of the world, just to mention but few.
Can you see that the mission is not for the “MANY” it is for the few. How many of the called can withstand persecution, bear the consequences of the disobedience of others and so on.
Below are the highlights of the secret tears of men of God today, meanwhile they appear on the altar, ministering as if all is well. No! They only hide it so as to bless your life and fulfil the mandate.
The secret tears:
· When they pray for you, you receive testimony and theirs seems delayed.
· When God reveals some deep secret to them and instruct them never to disclose it.
· When their pastors and ministers turn to be Achan (accursed among the brethren).
· When their pastors and members plot evil against them.
· When the church is full of criminals.
· When their pastors, minister and workers merchandize the gospel.
· When their members misbehave to tarnish the image of the church/ministry and the gospel.
· When the ushers put hands into the offering box.
· When the choir master/mistress fornicate with their choir members
· When the deacon and deaconess are having extra marital affairs
· When the youth pastors / youth leaders fornicate with their members.
· When the church turn into a den of thieves.
· When the disobedient members pollutes the mind of faithful and obedient members.
· When they intercede for you and no one to pray for them.
· They are facing overwhelming attack, physically and spiritually.
· They are facing tempting seduction in order to collapse their ministry, crash their calling and drain their anointing.
· They were blasphemed if they work miracles, signs and wonders.
· They were ridiculed if they don’t work miracles, signs and wonders.
· Even when they are broke, they sacrifice their last cash/food for their members to survive and go to bed with empty stomach.
· Men of God shed secret tears when one of their pastors that joined the ministry with nothing now turn to be great minister, suddenly became rebellious and turn one of the branches to his own church.
· When their ministers and members no longer fear the covenant of almighty God in the ministry
· Men of God shed secret tears when their ministers are fighting and envying each other.
· Men of God shed secret tears when their pastors / ministers and workers are being diabolical.
· Men of God shed secret tears when their pastors / ministers and workers are backstabbing, backbiting and blackmailing each other because of post, power, money and fame.
· Men of God shed secret tears when their Pastors / Ministers turn to be liars, unfaithful and lovers of money.
· Men of God shed secret tears when the groups and fellowship centres turn to be political party.
· Men of God shed secret tears when their Pastors / Ministers and workers turn themselves to political leaders
· Men of God shed secret tears when the groups and fellowship centres turn to be political party.
· Men of God shed secret tears when their Pastors / Ministers and workers turn themselves to political leaders
· People run to them for emergency prayers and spiritual help, who will they run to?
That is why they mostly retire back to the mountain to seek the face of God and deliverance.
Pray for the Men of God, intercede for your Pastors, Prophets, Evangelists, Ministers, Bishops, and Priests, Reverend, Missionaries, Apostles and others. They are always exposed to countless attack, mostly the invisible ones.
...ABU E.O
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