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Apostle Joshua Selman - Life Quotes From Him That Will Change Your Life.

1. The epicenter of dominion is wealth.
2. One of the keys of great people is their disloyalty to any information that does not produce results.
3. The world celebrates and rewards men of value.
4. We win in life by strategies.
5. Genuine knowledge brings liberation.
6. The proof of your unattachement to things is your willingness to let them go.
7. Action is the bridge between problems and testimonies.
8. The true secret of success lies in your understanding of kingdom mysteries.
9. You become a physical reflection of your most dominant thoughts.
10. Challenges are a proof that your current mental state has stretched its capacity.
11. The pain obtained from the place of failure Will preserve your success.
12. Every dimension of greatness has a price to be paid.
13. Kingdom wealth are resources that facilitate Kingdom advancement.
14. Through prosperity shall God’s agenda be spread abroad.
15. Something you do not know is responsible for your limitation.
16. When you achieve your desired result, it signifies an accurate application of Kingdom Principles.
17. Desire sponsors pursuit and pursuit grants access to whatever you desire.
18. It is risky to not know how to respond to life-threatening challenges.
19. The hardest person to help is a man who is resistant to change.
20. Nothing changes by itself. Time does not impact knowledge, it only reveals.

Intimacy with God

1Intimacy with God requires making Him your priority.
2. Intimacy with God requires your willingness to be sacrificial for Him.
3. Intimacy with God is a product of time spent in His Presence.
4. Intimacy with God is the first price required for sustainable greatness.


1. Spiritual growth is not determined by your longevity in the Christian Faith or regularity in church.
2. The display of the gifts of the Spirit is never an accurate measure of Spiritual growth.
3. The only entity capable of making men know God is the Holy Spirit.
4. Worship is a ladder in the Spirit. We can use it to ascend dimensions in the Spirit.
5. If Worship did not change you then you did not worship.
6. worshipper is not a musician or a singer. He is someone who understands the dynamics of hosting God.
7. God is glorified in Kingdom advancement and not in denominationalism.
8. The infinite wisdom of God is engaged by praying in the Spirit.
9. The level of your walk with God reflects in your love for people.
10. Impartation is the transference of possibilities.
11. A spiritual man is one who places utmost value on God’s Word.
12. The Spirit life requires that your desiresappetites and ambitions come under the submission of God’s Will.

God’s Kingdom.

1. It is wrong for Kingdom ambassadors to negotiate with life; we legislate.
2. God makes men peculiar by introducing them to His marvelous light.
3. The anointing backs up the sent Word of God to cause a performance.
4. It takes enlightenment (light) and empowerment (the anointing) to produce results.
5. A track record is what validates you for qualification
6. Everything in God’s kingdom is Faith dependent.
7. The mind of God is a compendium of the infinite wisdom of God.
8. Believers are called to be demonstrators of the reality of God.
9. Stability in God’s Kingdom is gotten by understanding.
10. The more you know God, the more you know yourself.
11. God never trusts people He has not tested.
12. The hidden wisdom of God is engaged by praying in the Spirit.
13. In God’s Kingdom, you rise by the level of light you access and engage.


1. Motives, when not properly defined in relationships can result in frustration.
2. All relationships should have clearly defined expectations of behave and contributions.
3. In every relationship, there must be clarity and definitiveness of motives, roles and expectations.
4. True love is a choice. It is an act of your will.
5. Everything in life reproduces on the basis of relationships.
6. Relationship is a stream of income. Pay the price to keep valuable relationships even when it’s ego stinging.


1. The primary purpose of authority is Provision, Protection and Promotion.
2. To be successful, you must submit to God’s scriptural chain of authority.
3. You reproduce the grace at work when you’re genuinely connected.
