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Do you know that as a believer, you can win even when you lose? Whatever you’ve lost, you don’t have to live in defeat. I want you to know it’s not over—God’s powerful restoration is on the way!
Maybe you’ve lost something precious. Perhaps you’re living in regret over years lost to depression, sickness, or a series of failures. Perhaps you’re at a place where your hopes have been crushed, and you’re saying to yourself, “It’s over for me!”
If that is you, here’s a powerful truth I want you to get into your heart: Even if the enemy has robbed you of what’s yours, God is willing and able to turn things around for you. He’s willing and able to restore what’s been taken from you.
Despite your losses, you can expect a bright future when you look to the Lord for restoration!
“How is that possible, Pastor Prince? How can God restore what I’ve lost?”
Friend, know beyond a shadow of doubt that our Lord Jesus has purchased every blessing, including restoration, for you at the cross. No matter what you have lost, according to His Word, you can believe God to redeem all that has been stolen from you:
  • I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten… (Joel 2:25).
  • For I will restore health to you… (Jer. 30:17).
  • Then the LORD your God will restore your fortunes…(Deut. 30:3 NIV).
  • You will restore me to even greater honor… (Ps. 71:21 NLT).
Do you feel as if your health, your relationships, your peace of mind, or your hopes for the future have been “eaten up” by the enemy? God cares, and you have His promise that He will restore even the years you may have lost to addiction, sickness, depression, or financial lack.
So don’t be afraid if there is an area of your life that is under attack now. You don’t have to accept defeat or live in despair. You don’t have to be fearful of the future. Instead, you can say, “Lord, restore to me!”, knowing that His sacrifice at the cross has qualified you to receive and enjoy His incomparable restoration.


Even if you’ve made some poor decisions, don’t feel condemned and lose hope. God not only cares that you have been robbed, He has the power to restore to you much more than what you’ve lost.
Just look at what Isaiah 61:7 declares:
Instead of your shame you shall have double honor,
And instead of confusion they shall rejoice in their portion.
Therefore in their land they shall possess double;
Everlasting joy shall be theirs.
Doesn’t this word just bring so much comfort and hope to your heart? When you put your trust in Him, not only is there no area in your life beyond restoration, but you can trust Him to give to you a restoration greater than what you have lost. Because of His restoration, you can come out of your trial a gainer!


This is exactly what Renee from Washington experienced. After she received the revelation that Jesus is the sure basis for her restoration, her life began to change. Here’s what she shared with me in a praise report:
Due to decades of poor decision-making, I became desperately lonely and was filled with anger and bitterness. Nearly every area of my life lacked God’s truth and wisdom. However, as I began to hear you share the Word, the Lord began to help me understand that I could live life differently.
When I heard you teach on God’s restoration, I received the revelation that restoration is mine through the cross of Jesus. Within that year, my son, whom I had been estranged from for 12 years, was brought back to me under joint legal custody. Soon after that, I successfully purchased my first home. The Lord also supplied my family with more than enough practical supply for all our needs.
His glory has been shining so much in my life that everyone who knows me has seen how much my life has changed. As the Lord continues to bless my family, my relationships with my children have become so much healthier. And God’s grace has even delivered me from a seven-year immoral relationship. I’m so thankful to Him!
Did you notice God’s much-more restoration at work in Renee’s life when she ran with the revelation of God’s restoration? From defeat and emptiness in almost every area of life, the Lord brought her to an unprecedented level of abundance, stability, and fulfillment in her relationships with her children and finances. He also empowered her to end a harmful relationship, preventing it from further ruining her life and relationships.
I’m sharing Renee’s testimony with you because I know that what He’s done for her, He can and will do for you!
Beloved, if you want to experience the fullness of God’s restorative power in your life, I share a lot more on how to activate His much-more restoration in September’s teaching resource, Take Back What’s Yours—Your Life Restored 120%. This series is very close to my heart because I share how I’ve experienced Christ restorative power for myself, and how you can too.
Before you go, let me pray for God to restore you and your family in every area of your life: May the Lord restore you with robust health, extraordinary favor, exceptional wisdom, and abundant provision. May our God of much-more restore to you all the years the locusts have eaten. And may you be proclaiming in the days to come, “The Lord has turned my losses around, restored me with so much more, and made me a gainer!”
