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15 Famous Quotes By T.B Joshua That Will Leave You Motivated

1.   “If you don’t have a vision, you can never be focused in a direction”.
2.  “Every day, God has something to say to you. Even when He seems to be quiet, God is still saying something”.
3.   “Where there is unconditional love, the wound of one is the wound of all”.
4.    “Your hands may be full of money and your brain full of information but if your heart is empty, your life is very empty”.
5.      “If you turn to God once, He will turn to you a million times”.
6.      “No matter how fast a lie runs, the truth will someday overtake it”.
7.       “Jesus never consults your past to determine your present”.
8.         “Life is too short to waste time on things that have no lasting significance”.
9.          “There is no one and there will never be anyone like you”.
10.       “Everyone makes mistakes – mistakes are correctable”.
11.         “Avoid the trap of looking back unless it is to glorify God for what He has done”.
12.        “Education is not success but it is to help us succeed”.
13.          “You are responsible for what you give your attention to”.
14.         “Your situation does not embarrass God because He has solution”.
15.          “If you are in a hurry to get money, you will be in a hurry to spend it. Anything that starts dubiously will surely end dubiously”.
