1. “God only confirms the words we receive and believe – not just what we write down.” 2. “Until a man is born-again, his praise is mere noise or religious entertainment. Only the living can praise the Lord.” 3. “It is not a sin to go to hospitals or take medications. But if you are not s…
It was three days before Christmas 1973. The sun was still rising on that cold, misty Toronto morning. Suddenly, He was there. The Holy Spirit entered my room. He was as real to me that morning as the magazine you are holding in your hand is to you. For the next eight hours, I had an incr…
Do you know that as a believer, you can win even when you lose? Whatever you’ve lost, you don’t have to live in defeat. I want you to know it’s not over—God’s powerful restoration is on the way! Maybe you’ve lost something precious. Perhaps you’re living in regret over years lost to depre…
“…And I took the crown that was upon his head and the bracelet that was on his arm and have brought them here to my Lord” (2 Sam. 1:10). This was the report of an Amalekite to David in Ziklag – An accursed fellow seeking a cheap favour, protection and covering, by swapping heads, and bri…
READ: Matthew 27:1-5 “And he cast down the pieces of silver in the temple, and departed, and went and hanged himself.” - Matthew 27:5 One of the greatest manifestations of pride is the unwillingness to say ‘sorry’ or to apologise. Judas Iscariot was unwilling to say sorry. He never apolo…
We’ve compiled a list of 30 inspirational quotes from David (Paul) Yonggi Cho, the South Korean Christian minister. Cho is the founder of the Yoido Full Gospel Church (Assemblies of God). the world’s largest church with a congregation of over 830,000 . 1. “Dying is easy, living is hard.…