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When you cannot pray, when you cannot fast and praises seems difficult

Daniel 6:22 “My God hath sent his angel, and hath shut the lions' mouths, that they have not hurt me: forasmuch as before him innocency was found in me; and also before thee, O king, have I done no hurt.”
Acts 16:25 & 26 “And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them. And suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken: and immediately all the doors were opened, and every one's bands were loosed.”
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Prayer must be indispensable for you, fasting must be indispensable for you and praises must be highly indispensable for you. There comes a time in your life that you may not be able to pray, fast or see any reasons to praise God, it is normal.
Do you know that it is abnormal to wait for reasons before you fast, pray and sing praises to God? Generally, life is not fair, why waiting to see reason before you fast, pray and sing to God?
The scripture verses above should ring a bell of praying without ceasing and endless praise to your hearing. Whether is convenient or not.
It was not convenient for Job, yet he never see reason to back off. It was not convenient for Daniel, yet he never cease in offering his prayers to God. It was not convenient for Paul and Silas, yet they prayed and sang mightily to God until their prayers and praises provoked God into action.
When you cannot pray, when you cannot fast and praises seems difficult, that is when you need it most. But don’t wait to see reasons to fast and pray before you observe it, else, the devil would have concluded your case before you start. A dangerous Christian life is a life that waits to see reasons for prayer before praying.
Praises should be done every day, every hour, every minute and every second, there is a mighty mystery behind it.
It is abnormal and dangerous to start fasting and praying when the need only calls for it.
It is abnormal and dangerous to start fasting and praying only when it is declared among the brethren.
It is abnormal and dangerous to start praising God when God answers your prayers only.
It is abnormal and dangerous to start singing praises to God only during church services, why not always?
Check a prayerful life, a genuinely fasting life and a sincere thankful and praise offering heart, there is always a look of the presence and mighty move of God that cannot be curtailed. You don’t need anyone to tell or show you that.
Before the predicament of Daniel, Paul and Silas, their life has been full of prayer, fasting and praises to God even when there is no need for it. That is a soul that sort for an intimate relationship with God. They hunger and thirst for more of God.
Successful men of God today doesn’t wait for attacks or strike of the devil before they fast and pray, have you noticed that? What is denying you of it? If there is any, then the devil is cheating you. Break yourself loose out of the cheat of satan now!
  1. I break myself loose out of anything that is denying me of praying, fasting and praises to God, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
  2. (Mention those things that is denying you of (PFP) “Praying, fasting and praises” with a shout (Sin, sickness, evil powers, evil covenants, environmental demon, anti-gospel spirit, spirit of end-time, spirit of laziness, spirit of procrastination… etc.) You are a liar; leave me alone in the name of Jesus Christ.
...ABU E.O
